Sand or Crushed Coral


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I moved most of my small fish from my 30 to a 10 and im moving the blue gourami to my 55 Gallon tank with the other Gouramis. After i find a place to put my Angelfish i am going to make my 30 gallon tank Salt... What do you guys recomend Sand or Crushed Coral. I am considering Crushed Coral because Right now i have a 10 Gallon salt tank with sand and its working fine but sometimes the filter makes loud noises because the sand is in the impeller.
Don't used crushed coral in a freshwater tank because it will play havok with your pH and calcium levels.

Poolfilter sand is good because it's nice and heavy.
Not to be mean but you must have read through it real fast or the post was confusing. I am going to make it salt water..
I have a 10 gallon SW with crushed coral. Ive been told crushed coral helps the Ph, so you dont have to worry about it changing. Something about it buffers ur PH. :D
OscarCichlid said:
Not to be mean but you must have read through it real fast or the post was confusing. I am going to make it salt water..
Also not to be mean, but maybe you should've posted this in the saltwater forum. :p :D
OscarCichlid said:
Not to be mean but you must have read through it real fast or the post was confusing. I am going to make it salt water..
You're right. I saw 'Gouramis' and assumed you were talking about a freshwater tank... plus this is in the freshwater forum........ :p

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