Sand Is Littered With Excrement

Ricky Savage

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
St Catharines Ontario
im dealing with my first sand based aquarium, and it seems that everyday the cories and the plec lay down some business, are their any snails or invertabrates that will clean it up. I have been vacumming it, but everyday they leave more and

any suggestions?
There is no snail, shrimp etc. that will eat excrement and not make any themselves.

You'll either have to add some flow to the bottom to get the excrement into the water flow to be collected by the filter of keep cleaning it yourself.
im dealing with my first sand based aquarium, and it seems that everyday the cories and the plec lay down some business, are their any snails or invertabrates that will clean it up. I have been vacumming it, but everyday they leave more and

any suggestions?

Its called a Human, you get a syphon and clean it yourself. One fo the reasons i got Black sand in my little tanks ;)
I need to clean up after my 12" Common Pleco in between weekly water changes. I use a battery operated gravel vac. I have gravel so I am not sure if it is ok for sand or not. I have also read of someone using a turkey baster to just get the "waste" out. HTH. :)

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