New Member
Hello guys and girls. I Decided using sand in my tank will look amazing so I am going to do it. But the thing is I don't want to go down to the beach take some sand and chuck it into my tank all that salt and stuff will kill my plants and fish. So my question is what is the safe way of doing this. A little(SUPER LITTLE)soap and then just wash it till it does not taste like salt anymore? One more thing, I have this plant which I bought a little while ago but its in this UGLY black piece of plastic and my tank is not big enough to actually cover the entire thing(The black piece of plastic that covers the roots) with sand. What can I do to modify this? Is that white stuff the plant comes in needed, and will I kill it if I take it out? what type of root system do water plants normally take to? I will Upload a picture as soon as I find my camera hahaha.. Thanks in advance if anyone does come up with some smart way to make my life simple and easy haha.