

New Member
Jun 29, 2006
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hi, i have just got a new Rio 125 and im not too sure which would be better to use. Sand or Gravel?
I also need some advice cause im very new to this and i would have no idea how to clean neither sand or gravel once in the tank?

ANY help would be sooooo much appreciated.
Hi, this should be in the Beginners questions forum (i think).

Some people prefer sand, and others gravel, it really is a matter of opinion. I personally prefer gravel which is easier to maintain.

To clean the gravel / sand, you can buy a syphon which most pet shops sell. With gravel, you just stick the syphon into the gravel and it sucks out all of the dirt, but the syphon isnt strong enough to suck up the gravel.
But with sand you have to be carefull not to suck the sand up, so you have to hold the syphon an inch or 2 above the sand so it only sucks up the dirt.

Hope that helped :good:
It really depends on which you prefer. Sand is slightly harder to maintain than gravel but both can look really good.
It also depends on which fish you want to add (after cycling the tank).
i had the same question a while ago
i really wanted sand coz i think it looks stunning but gravel worked out a lot eaiser to clean and maintain!
still looks cool as well
i chose gravel and regret it then again i did choose green gravel. Sand looks nice but would the juwel filter suck up the sand?
Just keep the end of the intake tube well above the bottom of the tank and you should be fine, and try not to stir up the sand too much by the filter intake tube, so less gets sucked up.
my preference was small gravel stones in a natural colour - from afar kinda looks like sand but is gravel and easier to clean!!

but whatever you think - sand or 2-3mm gravel if catfish as it can blunten their barbels


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