Sand From Home Depot


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
I want to use play sand from Home Depot in my aquarium, but it looks kind of crappy when its wet. Maybe it looks better in an aquarium, I don't know, its just a standard play sand colour(golden), but it turns to a more dark colour when wet.

Does anyone use this type of sand, and is it good? Any mishaps? Should I just go with the sand in the pet stores?(it costs a lot, but looks pretty)
I used the play sand form homedepot. I think it was quickrete brand. I think it looks nice in a tank, plus it is cheaper. Mine deosnt look really dark, how you desribe is sort of lighter. if you do use play sand, make sure you wash it VERY well before you add it to your tank.
I use it aswell, I think it works pretty well, and how can you beat $3 for 50 lbs of it! One hint though, after thoroughly washing it, sieve the sand through a net (I just used a plain old fish net) you get the rocks out of it (which actually works quite well for gravel) and you are left with just the sand, which is lighter in color
Spend a good amount of time cleaning that sand. And if possible, let the filter run for a day or two while the sand settles in your tank. I cleaned my sand in a bucket of water and changed the water in the bucket several times while grabbing the sand with my hand, moving it around and running it through my fingers.
Play sand will look different depending on where you live. Around where I am, it is a very fine grained sand that is almost white in color. The reason it varies so much is that it is just too heavy to ship very far so it has most likely been quarried within a reasonable distance of where it is being sold. I use a builder's sand intended as a base for setting paving blocks instead because I don't like what they sell as play sand near me. The sand called play sand at everywhere I shop is basically the same so I guess they are all buying it from the same quarry. Play sand and the builder's sand will both be very dirty when you buy it because the people who supply it don't expect it to be used under water. Clean it well and you will know what color it will be when submerged. It will be the same color as you see in the bucket.

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