Sand For New Tank.


New Member
Nov 23, 2012
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I have a new 120g tank and i was wondering which is better? I was looking between the Quikrete All-Purpose sand and the Quikrete Commercial Grade Medium. If you could help me decide and tell me which one would be better that would be great. If this helps, I am putting different types of Cichlids, an eel, pufferfish, and a pleco. Thanks
I dont know the two products but I am thinking the Quikrete Commercial Grade Medium would be designed for mortar/ even render and paver bedding sand. The Quikrete All purpose to me sound like a courser sand and could have a blend of different sized particles and best used in garden bed making (mixing to make garden soil or potting mixes) and kids sand pits.
The sand I used in my tanks is fine and meant for laying pavers into. I find it is a little bit fine but the catfish love it and easily snuffle about in it. Because it is so fine it can compact down so I dont tend to have a really thick layer of sand and where I have plants I have added standard rounded aquarium gravel and blended it with the sand.

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