Sand for betta

Pool sand or playsand. You have to make sure that the sand is rinsed very well in a large bucket. Just stir it around while adding water and dump the water and repeat until the water is clear. It may take awhile, depending on the sand and where it came from.
BettasRFriends said:
Oh thanks! Would the sand by anychance go into the filter and clog it?
I dont think the sand would clog unless very large but I think some of it would go in the filter?
I would have to say that with the amount of water changes that bettas require that having sand in one of their tanks would be a monstrous pain in the ass.

Although, I don't know what size tank you have, but regardless - it would seem as if by the time your sand would actually settle down and give you clear water again, it'd be time for another water change.

If you're going for the natural look, i'd get some nice smaller pebbles that are the natural tan colors, then get some of the larger rocks - I think they're called river stones or something - and place a few of those across the top.

Sand would be a pain, especially in a betta tank.
Here's what I was thinking of (for the big rocks anyway).
The sand does look nice down on the bottom, but you could get the same effect with natural colored pebbles, too.

(this photo was borrowed from fat_bob, user on this forum)
I think sand will be a bit of a pain, though, unless you want a couple of cories to go with him. You can get really cheap natural gravel, in Wilkinsons (try Walmart) they do 2 kg bags of small Dorset gravel for 79p.

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