Sand Changeover Problems

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Apr 28, 2008
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ive got a 240l aquarium with just a pictus catfish and an ornge spot plec in (i used to have malawi ciclids in it too but have lost them all due to disease ) i feel like i need a new challange and sand is always what ive wanted in my aquarium, but i also fancy trying out a planted aquarium. so i propose a changeover from gravel to sand and exchange my extensive rockwork for wood, a few rocks and plants.

but can plants be grown in sand???

thanks :good:
Well mine all grow with no problems but I don't have anything special. I just add Flourish weekly :good:
i have found that since i changed over to sand, my plants are growing stronger and have a firmer root base( my cichlids have probs pulling them out) tho the only type of plants i grow are your very basic aquaria plants, im very happy with the way its going, but then someone else may give you a diffrenet opinion, good luck tho

shelagh xxx
what plants do you grow in sand at the mo maybe i can buy similar plants?
i have java fern growing very well, some cabomba,egeria densa, there is also a long grass that i forget the name of now( can be seen in photo underneath), but as i say they are the basic plants are doing very well


edit.. think the grass maybe vallisneria gigantea ( giant eel grass)

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