just a quickie, as i am planning a DSB in my future sump, i am thinking 3 or 4 inches deep in the sump. do i need deep sand in the display or just go for what i think looks nice (and affordable).....cheers kevin
You could go bare bottomed if you like however, i like the look of sand, gives many of your cuc somewhere to live and adds beneficial qualitites to the tank. So I suppose the answer is, have what you like
i have heard about these people who go bare bottomed i will be keeping well away from that sort of thing , there is absolutely no way i could even consider it, it would just be too unnatural for me, i never planned on the bare bottom approach but was wondering about the depth of sand. would you say that if having a sandy bottom i should have a minimum depth in mind
Well, I started my five footer with a very small amount of sand, just enough to cover the bottom. However quickly decided to add more sand, as kept getting the glass showing through and I didnt like it! But adding sand into a mature tank is not a good idea (silicates etc), so, I would probably plan for about an inch or so