Fish Fanatic
Hi. We're in the planning stages of a new 55 gallon tank, and I was considering using sand rather than gravel this time. Here's the big question: is it worth while using sand with a pleco? I have a Gold Nugget who will (theoretically, unless he was mis-labeled) be the 6-8" variety. He's currently about 3.5" long and is a very, um, prolific pooper.
I was wondering if, between the pleco poop and his love of quickly swishing from place to place, a sand substrate would be a bad idea. I certainly don't want the tank to look filthy and need cleaning every other day, and I also wouldn't want the sand to go swirling around constantly. Anyone out there with advice?
I was wondering if, between the pleco poop and his love of quickly swishing from place to place, a sand substrate would be a bad idea. I certainly don't want the tank to look filthy and need cleaning every other day, and I also wouldn't want the sand to go swirling around constantly. Anyone out there with advice?