Sand and Plecos


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Hi. We're in the planning stages of a new 55 gallon tank, and I was considering using sand rather than gravel this time. Here's the big question: is it worth while using sand with a pleco? I have a Gold Nugget who will (theoretically, unless he was mis-labeled) be the 6-8" variety. He's currently about 3.5" long and is a very, um, prolific pooper.

I was wondering if, between the pleco poop and his love of quickly swishing from place to place, a sand substrate would be a bad idea. I certainly don't want the tank to look filthy and need cleaning every other day, and I also wouldn't want the sand to go swirling around constantly. Anyone out there with advice?

as long as the filter intakes are up from the bottom there should be no problems...

Due to the fact that sand get very dirty very quickly with plecs and its always on the surface I dont / didnt really like sand...

But as much as it pains me to say it :) The fish love it. we have move some of our fish about resently and its great to see the corys sifting the sand throught the mouth - out their gills... and its great to see the plecs having fun trying to undo my aquascaping by digging and generally playing in the sand.

I may actuall consider sand for our 50gal when we move now - seeing how the fish like it.
A couple of mine enjoying sand :)

Surinam Cory:


Kuhli Loach:


As smithrc said, so long as the filter intake is high enough off the bed of sand, you should have few problems (if any) The detritus is lighter than sand, so is easy to pick up either by the filter, or by lightly swirling a gravel vac about an inch above the sand. The benefit of the gunk being on the surface, is that it is easier to clean up :)

If you buy a good grade sand, you should have no trouble with it being water borne by fish activity. Once it has settled following the initial introduction to the tank, it drops again quite quickly after being disturbed by fish. Initially you might find *some* cloudiness, no matter how long you wash it for beforehand, but this is dust rather than sand, and will settle after a few days.

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