Sand And Peacock Eel


Fish Crazy
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Lima, OH
I have recently converted my tank from gravel to sand, and the sand seems to get stuck to the eel around its gills. I have moved it to another tank for the time being but its just a 20 gallon and cannot be a permanent home. Is it ok to have it in with the sand?

I thought that it could be due to stress from the move and new enviroment, that caused this but i am not sure. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Yes you can have a peacock eel in with sand i have 1 with sand and he loves it .. ur sand is new so it would stick to all the fishes but wont harm them
peacock eels are supposed to have sand. anything else usually ends up scratching them unless you set up something like I did where they enjoy plants and a planted tank to weave into, and then they still ocassionally go diggin.
Thanks for the help i put him back in my main tank this morning and everything seemed fine tonight when i got home.

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