Sand And Gravel Bottoms


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2007
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Will croys be ok with a tank that has mixed substrate? I am going to attempt to get a more natural tank bottom in a new tank. So I am going to mix sands and different size pebbles it an attempt to do this.

Im trying to avoid the manufactured look that using a single bag of pebbles (the type LFS’s sell) creates in a tank.

Will Corys be ok in this environment as there will be some sand for them to dig in or is a full sand substrate recommended?

I haven’t got and croys yet im just scouting for possiable stock. Tank will be 300l so there is plenty of room for a few of them.
sand and pebbles are fine, thats what if done in my tank to make it look more like a riverbed
I've just got 3 albino corys (absolute nutters they are too!) and they are in a mixed sand/gravel tank, they so far seem really happy, they snuffle through the sand and seem to suck at the gravel. They also seem to like playing in the current from the filter, as if they are surfing lol.

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