I have a Tropical tank at the moment which i use gravel in and i would like to set up anoter (smaller) tank using sand?? is there any Tropical fish i cannot put with sand?
Not that I am aware of Jareth, in fact sand is preferable than gravel with alot of species - especially burrowers.
There may be one or two fish that I am unaware of which someone else may be able to mention, but in general it is more the type of sand which can pose a problem. Which type of sand were you planning on using?
okay, i dont know the actual name of the sand i got it from a friend of a friend who changed his aquarium it is quite fine not too rough below is a pict... not very good quality though (with a 20 pence peice to show size). in fact it is a terrible picture!!
I think pretty much any tropical fish would do fine with sand - most preffer it (especialy cories...). However, make sure the filter doesn't suck up the sand and get blocked. Also remember to stir up the sand every once in a while and don't use a very thick layer. If you don't do that, you can get pockets of toxic substances that can be released into the water if they are later disturbed... fish don't do particularly well if this happens If you only use a thin layer of sand, cories are enough to stir it up. With deeper sand, consider a few otos or burrowing snails or stir it up yourself at every water change.