Sand and filters.


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
I'm thinking of using sand in my next tank. Does anyone know if it would clog an internal filter, I've heard that it can do, but then again a lot of people use sand so it can't be that bad. Can it? :dunno:
We have just set our new tank up with sand and it hasn't clogged either of the filters so far...although it has only been a couple of weeks! To be honest, if you get decent sand it doesn't really swish up in the water and so wouldn't get into the filter anyway. We made sure our canister filter intake was cut a bit high, just to be safe. I remember reading somewhere that they recommend a gap of about 4 inches between filter inlet and the top of the sand to be safe.
hey! im using sand :) but i have a HOB filter, an emperor 280 (either way i may use a internal later with the HOB) they dont clog it, as long as they are not in touch with the sand , as far as i kno :) good luck! oh almost forgot how many gallons is the tank? (not that that influences on the sand duh :p ) another what are you going to put in there? :D
It's 400L, approx. 95 imperial gals. I don't know what I'm putting yet apart from 2 silver dollars that are too big for my 35 imperial gal.
Hi there- I've had sand in my cichlid tank for awhile now. As long as the intake is about 3 inches from the bottom, there wont be any problems.....just make sure when you do water changes and swirl the sand a bit that you unplug the filter.

IMO sand looks alot better than gravel! I couldn't believe the difference it made!
I have or had sand in all of my tanks and other than initially putting the sand in with the filter on the first time :eek: and once where I had covered my aeration tubes, causing sand to go up into the filters, I've never had sand get into any of my filters.
Should be fine, i have an external filter that has no problem with the sand in my 39gal and my g/f has a tank with an internal filter and has just put sand in it and its fine.
Ive sand in my wee tank for a while now and most of my fish love stiring it up, lol loaches seem to be the jcbs of the fish world. I have a fluval 2+ and if i do manage to suck up any sand particals (and its never much) drop the head into clean water and run it through.
sand is way easier to clean than gravel.

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