samurai fighting fish

never hear of a samurai fighting fish. I think Alaska is right. I bet your teacher was referring to the siamese fighting fish a.k.a betta.
Well i think they have been given the nickname siamease fighters because in places like japan or china they stick two males in a tank an fight them to the death and people can put bets on which one will win! abit like cock fighting and all that sorta stuff!
read teh posts in the bettas and gouramis section. you'll learn about bettas. and there are plenty of pictures under member aqaurium pictures of bettas, have a look around :D
:D Siamese Fighting Fish, mmmmm so pretty!!! :cool:

trout_pout said:
Are those bettas any good, someone told me that they were evil
Evil? :huh:

Well, aside from the fact that fish aren't capable of evil...

Bettas are great fish. They are very hardy, very colorful, and VERY full of personality. Yes, some bettas are tempermental, but others are extremely peaceful. You never quite know what you'll get, which I suppose is part of the allure.

One thing that is universal though. You can't put a male betta with other males. They will, almost without fail, fight to the death.

Many people have kept bettas successfully in small community tanks by carefully screening their tankmates and keeping an eye on things. However, bettas are most often kept alone or with just a few tankmates, in smaller (10g or less) tanks. My betta, Horatio lives quite happily by himself in a planted 2.5 gallon tank.

I hope this clears up any misinformation you've heard. Definitely check out the betta forum! There are many friendly folks there who will gladly answer your questions about these fascinating fish.

Good luck! :thumbs:
bettas are great. i love them i have 3
they need warmer waters ,still waters need one gallon MIN , fed betta pelets ,bloodworms ect and no flashy or agressive tank members. and dont put tow together EVER. thats basic needs of a betta .
modernhamlet said:
Well, aside from the fact that fish aren't capable of evil...

Bettas are great fish. They are very hardy, very colorful, and VERY full of personality...
oh my betta is definately evil!

it really irks me when i pass by his bowl and he begs and pleads for flakes...only to watch them sink to the bottom and refuse to touch it essentially shortening the life of his water. gurrrrrrr!!! hehe
zeddsdead said:
modernhamlet said:
Well, aside from the fact that fish aren't capable of evil...

Bettas are great fish. They are very hardy, very colorful, and VERY full of personality...
oh my betta is definately evil!

it really irks me when i pass by his bowl and he begs and pleads for flakes...only to watch them sink to the bottom and refuse to touch it essentially shortening the life of his water. gurrrrrrr!!! hehe

Aren't they the best? :D
my Betta is possibly the most chilled out fish I've ever seen :D
He lives in my community tank quite happily - so they can be kept with other fish like modernhamlet said. Just avoid anything nippy or you'd have a very unhappy Betta on your hands.
ladynaoko said:
Just avoid anything nippy or you'd have a very unhappy Betta on your hands.
Might want to try and avoid anything that has nip alurring fins as well, bettas can be nippers themselves too, not all are, but as it was said above, they all have their own personalities.

lmao my male betta's name is Samurai, he's red in colour. He's also a grumpy old man, kinda like his owner lol...
My signature has six I own that are the original (short-fin) version - bred for actual arena combat in parts of Southeast Asia.

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