Same old questions? New Betta owner.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Greetings everyone.

I recently celebrated my birthday last week and my girl friend got me a beautiful betta for a gift. I keep him at work with me and we are very happy together. I want to take very good care of him so I've been doing a lot of reading, and am now very very confused! Here is some of the information I've found that has confused me and I need some real answers.

Some people say to feed them 5-6 times a week. (so says some web sites)
Some people say to feed them 2-3 times a week. (so says the guy at the pet store)
Some people say to feed them twice a day. (so says the food container)

How often, and how much? couple pellets? as much as he can eat in 2 minutes? I need a clear answer.

Some people say they are used to small places and don't need heaters/filters.
Some people say they need a fair amount of space and 80% of it being places to hide.

Some people say to do 100% water changes, even though stressful, it will keep them healthier.
Some people say to do 70% water changes once or twice a week.
Some people say to do 30% water changes 3 times a month.

She got him from a Pet store, he's not quite a Betta in a Vase, but maybe too close. I don't know how large his bowl is, it's like an enormous wine glass. There are some rocks at the bottom, and I have Betta Bio-Gold (Hiari) food.

He's pretty active. Always swimming around, and some times I catch him staring at me. Other times he just sits on the bottom for a minute and doesn't do anything. Every now and then he swims back and forth on one side of the bowl. Is he adjusting, or stressed out cause of its size?

I want him to be happy. So what do I do? He is so beautiful and not my pet. Every animal I've had has been more then a pet to me. So how do I treat him best? I'd like to go to the store by tomorrow so he's good and ready for the weekend.

Both my self and Nelson thank you!
Your new buddy will be happier in a tank that's at least 1g. If your house stays consistantly warm all year, no heater will be needed. If you get a larger tank with a filter, you should not change all the water at once. If you get a smaller (1-2g) tank, all the water should be changed (I think) - probably on a weekly basis.

Personally, I don't think there's a betta around who wouldn't be thrilled in a 2.5g eclipse MiniBow, but I have bettas happy in all sorts of housing.
The hikari pellets are a really good food for bettas. They'll also enjoy bloodworms and brine shrimp to keep a variety in their diet.
I have a feeding schedule for mine
Mon & Sat- frozen brine
Rest-Hikari pellets

It really depends on your betta how much to feed. I have a boy who will eat 6 or 7 pellets and continue begging and others that will barely eat two. You'll just need to figure out what yours is like, but always remove uneaten food so it doesn't pollute the water.

With water changes, mine are all in 1 gal tanks or bowls. I do changes once a week, stir the gravel and then take out two cups of water and replace with declorinated water. I personally wouldn't do 100% water change unless you have another tank to take the new water from, but some would say I'm paranoid. :*)

I would also reccomend getting him a small tank 1-2 gallons. I really like the Aquaview plus 1 gal. I get them at Wal-Mart for $10 and they have a UGF and a little hood and light. I only have the filter turned on with about half my boys as the rest don't like it. It's also a good idea to get a tank with a lid as bettas are excellent jumpers. If you do go with a bowl, keep the water level down so he can't jump out or keep it covered.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your new betta :p
Hi Draven,

Welcome to the forum!

The feeding issue . . . I know it can be confusing and we will probably only confuse you more! Pretty much everyone here feeds their betta different amounts but I think everyone would be in agreement in saying that they need a varied diet.

I personally feed my bettas 4 pellets each per day. 2 pellets in the morning and 2 at night. I feed them blood worms in substitute of dinner 1-2 times per week. I fast them one day a week.

On the housing issue: Everyone here also has differing opinions on this. I've heard that anything over 1 gal. is sufficient. I have my 2 bettas in a 2.5 gal. divided aquarium. That gives them 1.25 gal each of space and they are pretty active. I do two 45% water changes per week as to not stress them out by changing it all at once.

If your workplace is chilly (mine is sometimes, the boss likes it cold) I would recommend getting Nelson a heater. Bettas like 74-78 degree water. They are tropical fish.

They also like plants. Java moss, Java fern, Amazon sword and dwarf lilies are good ones to get. They like to rest on the leaves and hang out in the tangles. :)

As for his swimming around in one section of his bowl, maybe he sees his reflection? Or something that interests him? When my guys see each other they get VERY excited. They swim up and down, back and forth like little maniacs. All while flaring. Pretty cool to watch.
Quote doesn't seem to be working well...

I've heard about dumping a bunch of food in, and removing what ever he doesn't eat with in 2 minutes. Is this how I should learn how much he wants? He had 3 pelets on Tuesday, and I gave him 3 more today. I'm really worried it's not enough. I know food is cruicial. He's not very large. His body, excluding fins, is just a little over 1".

Do you remove your betta while you clean? Do I buy declorinated water or do I drop in a tablet? I've read about both. I really don't want to ask the people at the store cause I'm afraid most of them just see Betta's as cute gifts.

Any suggestion on plants and other things that go in his tank? Are there certain things to avoid, or must haves to buy?

Thanks everyone.
My Bettas always beg for food. Here is a good website on how much to feed your Betta: Betta Talk.

You can clean your Bettas house however you'd like. I have a siphon for my tank. They look like this: Gravel Vac. My guys stay in while I clean. Since Nelson's house is small, you may just want to scoop the water out and add more accordingly. It's up to you.

I use liquid dechlorinator. It's called Aqua Plus. The instructions tell you how much to add. You should mix together first, then poor it in.

For plants, I've been told they love Java moss. I personally can't find any around these parts. I had some Amazon swords that aren't doing too well so I recently bought a dwarf lily bulb that has just started sprouting.

You're welcome :D
I'll also add to Ry that you should go with either silk or live plants. The plastic ones can rip their fins. :crazy:
rykitten said:
My Bettas always beg for food. Here is a good website on how much to feed your Betta: Betta Talk.

You can clean your Bettas house however you'd like. I have a siphon for my tank. They look like this: Gravel Vac. My guys stay in while I clean. Since Nelson's house is small, you may just want to scoop the water out and add more accordingly. It's up to you.

I use liquid dechlorinator. It's called Aqua Plus. The instructions tell you how much to add. You should mix together first, then poor it in.

For plants, I've been told they love Java moss. I personally can't find any around these parts. I had some Amazon swords that aren't doing too well so I recently bought a dwarf lily bulb that has just started sprouting.

You're welcome :D
Thanks rykitten.

I do plan to get an aquaview 1 gal. I'd like him to have some more room to be comfy. I'll probably end up getting the vac to. That page on feeding is really nice. Now I can figure out if he's been eating enough. I think I'll dump a few more in, and see how much he eats after a minute or so. (or is that too dangerous?)

Are the plants people suggest real ones that'll be quite happy under water? I assume this is the case but haven't looked into them yet. I'm anxious to get off work and go shopping!
I know, exciting isn't it?

I think it's probably okay to put some more pellets in. Don't put in too many in and be do not forget to remove them if he doesn't eat them all.

Yes, the plants are submerged in your tank by their roots or with plant weights. The plants are happy, I suppose. :dunno:

What area of the world are you in?
I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). How about you?

I read some where that there is a danger with the brine because they can become stuck in the rocks and polute the water. Any real worry for worms or brine?

As I mentioned in my first post, my birthday was last week. I've just turned 21 and I feel like a kid again! :D

I'm so excited! I just want him to be happy.
I'm from the Los Angeles area (a bit north)

As you long you clean the gravel and do regular water changes I wouldn't worry too much about that. That Gravel Vac you saw? That sucks the water all around and underneath the gravel catching little bits of waste and food. They are great!
From "never put a heater in anything less than 5 gal, you could boil your fish!!"

That true? She says a 25w heater for 5 gal. Wouldn't a smaller heater be okay for a 1 gal? My office is not cold, nor hot. But I live in MN and in the Winter it can get cold here. I will be leaving my fish unattended over weekends at work.

She also makes a comment about using mirrors to excite your betta and help him not be bored to death. Is that super risky or practical?
The mirror is a good idea, occasionally. They can blow out their tails, get stressed out etc. if they are flaring and competing with themselves for territory all the time. :lol:

Let's see . . . . I have 3 Neptune 25 watt heaters. They're specifically for aquariums under 5 gallons. They work great! Never had a problem.

The heaters they sell at Walmart that are for small aquariums . . . bad experience with those. Bought one, didn't work. Exchanged for another, didn't work. You can't adjust the temp., just plug it and and that's it. The Neptunes are a bit more expensive (I think I paid $11.99) but it works fabulously!
Think I may be on a last question :-]

Water changes. Betatalk makes this seem a bit heafty. They mention tablets, tap water, distilled water, checking PH, letting water sit in other water for a few hours and adding more for a week straight.

Can you give me the simple jist of what I need to do and have to prepare for weekly changes of his water?
Sure Draven. I'll tell you exactly what I do:

1. Fill up 1 liter juice pitcher with tap water (this is almost half of my 2.5 gal tank.) Add about 1/2 teaspoon dechlorinator.
2. Add about 1/4 tablespoon Aquarium Salt.
3. Let sit until next water change.

That's it! Just make sure your water isn't super cold when you dump it into the tank. Room temp. is okay.

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