Sam and Shellby's 10 gallon planted - CO2 - Ferts.

Goofy Mog

New Member
Mar 31, 2020
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Hello all,

after 17 years of tanks such as large freshwater predatory tanks and multiple reef tanks, my partner and I have decided to take on a new challenge. We plan to keep a log here as the tank grows and our experience grows with it.

Our nano is approximately a week old and currently undergoing a fishless cycle. We are entirely new to keeping aquatic plants but things are looking healthy so far. Our reds are becoming deeper and deeper by the day.

Thanks for checking it out!

The tank
- 10 gallon Water Box
- Fluval Plant LED
- Eheim 600lph return pump
- Eheim 75w heater
- CO2art pro-se series regulator
- 5 litre CO2 canister

- Large grain soil
- Powdered soil
- Fine sand

Maintenance and dosing
75% daily water change during cycle - Dosing with ammonia to 2ppm)
- 75% weekly water change
- Triple dosing ferts daily
- liquid carbon
- High CO2 bubble-count (monitored)
- 12 hour photo-period

Livestock - Plants

- Ludwigia Palustris
- Rotala Green
- Microsorum Pteropus
- Anubias Nana
- Bucephalandra Theia
- Alternanthera Reineckii
- Helanthium Tennellum
- Cryptocoryne Nevelli
- Ranunculus Inundatus
- Micranthemum
- Vesicularia

Livestock - Fish/Inverts
None currently

Day 1 - Immediately after planting
after planting.jpg

Day 4
Day 4.jpg

Day 9 (Crypt melt!)
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Actually you are doing a planted/silent cycle without fish. At this point you can do a weekly water change just to add back what your plants absorb. I do this on all my tanks. After your plants are established (for me 2 weeks) you can start adding fish. No need to dose with ammonia. Your plants will absorb the fish waste (ammonia) You add your fish is small groups and monitor your water to insure you do not overstock and that the plants can handle the amount of ammonia your fish produce. Google planted cycle or silent cycle for information.
Looks awesome, while the ferts and cO2 are great for the plants in high amounts they can have negative impacts on fish just something to keep in mind before adding fish/inverts.
Looks awesome, while the ferts and cO2 are great for the plants in high amounts they can have negative impacts on fish just something to keep in mind before adding fish/inverts.
I agree with @utahfish you need to be careful with CO2 and fish. I would not run it at night. Also you tank does looks awesome:good:
Day 9 added to original post!

Thanks guys :) I'll hold off on dosing ammonia then. I'll continue at a very low dose until I slowly introduce fish. Getting hold of any in the current planetary situation is unlikely.

CO2 is timed to start an hour before lighting and stop an hour after, night is CO2 free. I will not be dosing carbon when we have fish/inverts either.

We're now hitting crypt-melt phase but the reds of the tank are truly on fire!
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