Saltwater vs freshwater


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2004
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i have a 10 gallon fish tank freshwater
Im also thinkin about building a custom designed acryic fish tank
But in my living room i just bough a 55 gallon fish tank for 97 dollars "Brand New" at the local pet shop

I really want to make it saltwater because of all the cool fish you can get with saltwater
But i know nothing About it

What is so different about taking car of a saltwater tank than freshwater and how much would a set up cost
Like do you need a special filter so it doesnt filter out the salt
Im confused :S

You might want to ask in the Saltwater forum as they know more than most of the regulars in here. :)
I think you'd be better of with freshwater for a couple of years, dont jump in at the deep end, you need experience and a fair bit of cash to do saltwater. It would cost hundreds to setup and to maintain. Im not an expert but i know that much. Do some research on it ;)

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