Saltwater Version Of Aqadvisor - Stocking Calculator


Fish Gatherer
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have been working on the saltwater version of AqAdvisor for the past couple of weeks. Although it has been released, it is very primitive. Since it was heavily based on the freshwater version, some elements might be out of places as well.

If you are interested in this sort of thing, please check it out. Those who followed the freshwater version will know that the application will evolve quickly and the feature set will be heavily determined by the users of the application.

Enjoy! :)

What's new for 2010 04 30 build:

- Added Bicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor).
- Added Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica).
- Added Green Clown Goby (Gobiodon atrangulatus).
- Added Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus).
- Added Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia).
- Added Black Seahorse (Hippocampus erectus).
- Added Coral Beauty/Twospined/Dusky Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa).
- Added Purple Firefish/Purple Dartfish (Nemateleotris decora).
- Added Neon Blue Goby as an alias to Neon Goby.
- Added Orange Lined Cardinal (Apogon cyanosoma).
- Added Scissortail Goby/Scissortail Dartfish (Ptereleotris evides).
- Added Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa).
- Yellow Tail Damsel (Chrysiptera parasema).

- Water change volume has been adjusted down significantly.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 30.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any saltwater species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!! If you disagree with any of the results produced by AqAdvisor, please let me know that too.
yay finally you started it!! i want to check it out, but 1/2 my fish are missing :(
ill post em hear for you to get back to

mandarin goby
bangaii cardinal fish
court jester goby
chalk basslet
tail spot blenny
long fin fairy wrasse
blue gudgeon dart fish
yellow head jawfish
long-nose hawkfish
dispar anthias
bellus angelfish pair
pacific redstripe hogfish
sankey's dotyback
achilles tang
black and white chromis
What are you doing to judge stocking level?
I put in 3 of 4 of my fish because one was missing and it said i was 170% overstock... When in truth i still have room for 1 or 2 fish.
yay finally you started it!! i want to check it out, but 1/2 my fish are missing :(
ill post em hear for you to get back to

mandarin goby
bangaii cardinal fish
court jester goby
chalk basslet
tail spot blenny
long fin fairy wrasse
blue gudgeon dart fish
yellow head jawfish
long-nose hawkfish
dispar anthias
bellus angelfish pair
pacific redstripe hogfish
sankey's dotyback
achilles tang
black and white chromis

Thanks for the list. Added to the wishlist.

What are you doing to judge stocking level?
I put in 3 of 4 of my fish because one was missing and it said i was 170% overstock... When in truth i still have room for 1 or 2 fish.

It requires further adjustment. Once I have the general formula in line, I will start adjusting individual species that don't follow the general pattern. This is how I started off the freshwater version too... :)

So when you add all of your species, would you say the calculator is currently reporting about twice the expected level?

I had to leave one fish out and it said 170%, So I would say it's about double, potentially more. I'm not sure how the percentages work.
I had to leave one fish out and it said 170%, So I would say it's about double, potentially more. I'm not sure how the percentages work.

Think of the % as the amount of space (in %) of the tank you specified. It will be easier for you to determine if I've got it right or not after deploying the new formula. I'll get another build out in few days.
May I suggest perhaps adding a sump option onto it for additional water volume? Kindof complicates things more, but saltwater stocking is quite complex regardless. I have a 29G, but the actual water volume is probably more around 35G.
May I suggest perhaps adding a sump option onto it for additional water volume? Kindof complicates things more, but saltwater stocking is quite complex regardless. I have a 29G, but the actual water volume is probably more around 35G.

Yes that one is on my list as well. I will be working on the stocking %, live rock support and sumps next. Last two are obviously related to filtration. Then perhaps I can work on the sand. Again, related to filtration.
What's new for 2010 05 03 build:

- Added Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto).
- Added Yellow Clown Goby (Gobiodon okinawae).
- Added Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus).
- Added Green Mandarin Goby (Synchiropus splendidus).
- Added Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi).
- Added Chalk Basslet (Serranus tortugarum).
- Added Blue Gudgeon Dartfish (Ptereleotris hanae).
- Added Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons).
- Added Longnose Hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus).
- Added Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar).
- Added Bellus Angelfish (Genicanthus bellus).
- Added Pacific Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus).
- Added Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles).
- Added Black and White Chromis (Chromis iomelas).
- Added Sailfin/Algae Blenny as an alias to Lawnmower Blenny.
- Bioloads for all species have been adjusted down.
- Size of Ocellaris Clownfish has been adjusted down to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Tomato Clownfish has been adjusted down to 3.5 inches.
- Size of True Percula Clownfish has been adjusted down to 3.5 inches.
- Size of Lawnmower Blenny has been adjusted down to 5 inches.
- Minimum tank size requirement for Ocellaris Clownfish has been reduced to 24x12.
- Removed "filters" selection box for now as it is not directly relevant to saltwater species.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 46.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any saltwater species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!! If you disagree with any of the results produced by AqAdvisor, please let me know that too.

Nemo, please let me know how the new stocking % looks. Also if you could comment on the WC % as well.

Thanks. :)
Stocking level is definitely more suitable but I still couldn't add my fourth fish :p Caribbean Hawkfish

Also, It says sixline is not suitable to my tank? I would have them as a 20G minimum
Stocking level is definitely more suitable but I still couldn't add my fourth fish :p Caribbean Hawkfish

Also, It says sixline is not suitable to my tank? I would have them as a 20G minimum

Is that Cyprinocirrhites polyactus? Also known as Red Hawkfish?

Also, how does water change % look from your perspective?

nope, it's Amblycirrhitus pinos AKA Red spotted hawkfish

Water changes seem OK. I think it will work out well once you add in sumps option.
Also, It says sixline is not suitable to my tank? I would have them as a 20G minimum

I've got the info from:

It says minimum is 30g hence I went with 36x12 just to be safe. I haven't checked other sites yet.

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