Saltwater to freshwater?


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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Can a saltwater tank be easily converted to a freshwater tank? I've found a total setup for saltwater online for a really good deal, but I don't want to keep a saltwater tank. Could I convert it to a freshwater tank easily?
Used or a brand new one? What are the components of the setup. Thanks. SH
If its brand new its as simple as setting it up sans protein skimmer, if its used you will have to rinse and rinse and rinse and I'd suggest not useing the LR or the sand, find other homes for them, it would be a shame to waste lr as its harvested from the ocean.
sell the liverock if possible.. its the gold dust of the marine world and carries a high price tag.

Dont let the rock dry out (assuming hte sytem comes with liverock) and keep it in salt warer with flow through it until you sell it.
Well, it is used and hasn't been used in over 2 years, so no live rock. *sniff* That's really too bad since selling that would have paid for the bidding plus anything else I wanted to put in there! *grin*

I'll just give you guys the listing. Heck, if any of you live in the dfw area, you might want to jump at this one. I'd really like it, but I'm not sure if I can convert it or have room for it. It sounds like a really good deal.
Yup, you could easily convert that. Take the skimmer and lights and sell them on ebay or something and the only thing you'd need to add would be new lights (different spectrum/intensity for freshwater)!
Hate to say it, but I doubt that tank is going to go cheaply. With still just under 2 weeks left open for bidding, you can expect to pay a high price for that tank :/
It's really lovely though :)
Isn't it, though? I'm really not sure I have room for it, though. Even though I don't do sw, I could tell it was a good deal. I may just have to let that one go and look into building my own tank for my boyfriend's bala sharks. *grin*

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