Well, it is a good deal. If I had the money for a saltwater setup, I'd get it for that because it's a 75 gallon full sw setup. Bidding is starting at $50.00 and has a buy it now of $200.00 which is good for a fw 75 gal, much less if I can get it for under $100.00. It's also just one city over from me, so easy pick up. It hasn't been used in two years, so I'm not sure if the equipment still works, and the rock and sand are gone, so I would change that set up. It looks perfect for the school of bala sharks that my boyfriend wants, and I could throw in the school of dojo loaches that I want. *grin* I probably wouldn't run the powerheads. Too much electricity. I guess I was just wondering if they could be removed without damaging the tank too much... I'll research that sump. It might be good to keep if I can get this. Now, to see if I even have the space for it... *grin*