Saltwater Setup


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
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I am re-setting my saltwater tank up after 2 years of having no room for it. I am wondering if it is ok to use ocean water and sand in the tank. I live only 3 miles from the coast and this seems to be the most reasonable thing to do. Has anyone tried this or heard if it is ok?
I would imagine you could get contaminants by doing this so I doubt if this is a wise course of action.
If you can bue sure of the quality of the water (no industrial units too close) then it is certainly possible to use Natural Sea Water. There is an increased risk of importing parasites and such using NSW and also exposing fish to bacteria and viruses that they are not used to dealing with.

However, if you can be sure it is possible. A SW Mod (who is not so active now) used to use NSW.
I use NSW, and have never had a problem. You can run your test kits on the water like normal. Make sure you try and collect water from beneath the surface to avoid any floating dangers like oil/petrol, collect away from boat ramps (if possible, but you still can for ease of lifting/transporting to/from your car), areas of high human activity, turbidity, and stormwater/run-off areas. I chose to collect before, or a number of days after any significant rain activity, as a previous nights rain is going to increase FW run-off, leading to the presence of undersirables. Collect at incoming/high tide.

If you add the NSW (natural sea water) straight away, just make sure its up to temp. NSW can be stored, but before adding, make sure to check all the waters params, and I chose to run a Lees wooden airstone through it for a ferw hours, and a spare heater.

if your in the UK try collecting from rock pools if you can. i know a guy who uses NSW with no probs what so ever. he uses it for his sea horse tank and main reef tank
Thank you everyone. This helps alot.

Does anyone know if it is illegal to remove sand from public beaches in the US?
Depends on the state for public beaches, but any national park beaches it is illegal for sure. Not that anyone's gonna really care that you took 20lbs of sand from a beach
Depends on the state for public beaches, but any national park beaches it is illegal for sure. Not that anyone's gonna really care that you took 20lbs of sand from a beach

LOL, true...Is it illegal to take hermits and snails from public beaches in Cali?
Depends on the state for public beaches, but any national park beaches it is illegal for sure. Not that anyone's gonna really care that you took 20lbs of sand from a beach


i just pictured some guy in speedo taking sand home, lmao

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