This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Ok, I have a few questions for my saltwater tank I am starting with will be housing rays.
1. How do you cycle a saltwater tank?
2. Does skimmer size matter? Or does a skimmer do it's job to all tanks?
3. Can I use seeded media from a freshwater tank to start a saltwater cycle?
4. If I use ocean water, Do I still need to cycle? (explain and clarify on this one)
5. How do I do water changes (The ocean is a little too far from me).
Another warning, the saltwater tank I am starting maybe housing a wobbygone, shovelnose ray or fiddler ray and these fish are native to here and can take extreme parameters.
Plz help - tnx!
1. How do you cycle a saltwater tank?

2. Does skimmer size matter? Or does a skimmer do it's job to all tanks?
3. Can I use seeded media from a freshwater tank to start a saltwater cycle?
4. If I use ocean water, Do I still need to cycle? (explain and clarify on this one)
5. How do I do water changes (The ocean is a little too far from me).
Another warning, the saltwater tank I am starting maybe housing a wobbygone, shovelnose ray or fiddler ray and these fish are native to here and can take extreme parameters.
Plz help - tnx!