Saltwater Questions need answering!


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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Ok, I have a few questions for my saltwater tank I am starting with will be housing rays.

1. How do you cycle a saltwater tank? :look:
2. Does skimmer size matter? Or does a skimmer do it's job to all tanks?
3. Can I use seeded media from a freshwater tank to start a saltwater cycle?
4. If I use ocean water, Do I still need to cycle? (explain and clarify on this one)
5. How do I do water changes (The ocean is a little too far from me).

Another warning, the saltwater tank I am starting maybe housing a wobbygone, shovelnose ray or fiddler ray and these fish are native to here and can take extreme parameters.

Plz help - tnx! :)
Eelzor said:
Ok, I have a few questions for my saltwater tank I am starting with will be housing rays.

1. How do you cycle a saltwater tank? :look:
2. Does skimmer size matter? Or does a skimmer do it's job to all tanks?
3. Can I use seeded media from a freshwater tank to start a saltwater cycle?
4. If I use ocean water, Do I still need to cycle? (explain and clarify on this one)
5. How do I do water changes (The ocean is a little too far from me).

Another warning, the saltwater tank I am starting maybe housing a wobbygone, shovelnose ray or fiddler ray and these fish are native to here and can take extreme parameters.

Plz help - tnx! :)
Since I am a newbie at SW I will tell you what I know for a fact and leave the rest to the real experts.

As far as I know, you cycle the tank as you would a FW tank. I cycled mine fishless for three and a half to four weeks. I had unseasoned live rock in there at the time as well. I am unsure about the media from a FW tank, but I did. I put my old FW filter on my new SW tank without cleaning the sponge. (advice from my Awesome LFS lady!!!) I know that you can get a scoop or two of sand from your LFS that will be teaming with bacteria and the like, and you can also buy substrate that is laced with it as well, although I have been told nothing is as good as the stuff at the LFS bottoms of their can also get some of their water. As far as ocean water, I am not sure. I bet that this is a topic that will create quite a debate. I have read that SW fish in captivity need more trace nutrients and the like that are provided in the synthetic you could do it with the water you have at your house and add the salt there (much easier than driving to the ocean!) and I think you would have less chance of bringing little diseases and the like from the wild.

This is all my mind just throwing stuff out, so if anyone wants to correct me or add to something please feel free!!!
Thanks Olive! I will cycle my tank by seeding my freshwater media in it, then just put a decent skimmer. But I will probably not get ocean water. I'll just get "Instant Ocean" and add it to my tap water then to the tank. Thanks - you made me a lot more cautious! But if there are any experts out there help is always thanked. :D
Eelzor said:
Thanks Olive! I will cycle my tank by seeding my freshwater media in it, then just put a decent skimmer. But I will probably not get ocean water. I'll just get "Instant Ocean" and add it to my tap water then to the tank. Thanks - you made me a lot more cautious! But if there are any experts out there help is always thanked. :D
Yes, I hope you get more advice...........I am glad that I could help you even though it is just a little at this point...........if you want, PM me when you get ready to set it up and I will tell you how I did mine. From all of the research I have done outside of this forum and help I got on this forum, I have (with the help of my LFS too, lots of help!) come to the conclusion that we are doing everything right so far....which is a first with me! Everything is going so smooth that it is spooky........we'll see.........
Keep in touch so we can gab about SW!!! :D
Just a note: If you use tap water, be sure to let it either sit out and age (>1-2 days), use a dechlorinator, or to use distilled or reverse osmosis water.

This helps filter out some of the chemicals put in the water. :fish:
Thanks for all the help but theres a little problem. Although I have it all set out and well, the tank cost is way to high and not worth it. With all the money (after working it out), I could easily get a nice reef tank going. So I might hold the dream for a little while longer. But the day will eventually come on this forum whether it be next week or in 10 years, I will be getting them. Till then I am going to try and start an angelfish farm. :D
OOKIES!!!!! I am going to go ahead with this now, so I need ALOT of help here. I am going to get the following items sooner this year!

-Protein Skimmer
-Tank (180 Gallons)
-Ocean Water
-"Instant Ocean"

I am going for a bare bottom tank as I have read that this is the best subtrate for rays. Now my scenario is this (experts tell me if it is ok!)

I am going to fill half the tank full of ocean water, and the other half full of "Instant Ocean" water. Then I will seed the saltwater tank with my freshwater media. Will it be right?


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