Saltwater Gravel?


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
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East Coast U.S.A
Does anyone know if you can use normal gravel that alot of people use in freshwater tanks or is sand as a substrate a must for saltwater tanks? Right now I have sand but really miss my gravel.

(This is for a fish-only tank, I'm not messing with reefs yet)

you could sue crushed corral, really depends though, some gravel has silacates (sp?) and that could cause alge... i would stick with sand or crushed coral to be safe :)
Oh alright thanks, actually I saw some "corse sand" at the fish shop so I might go for that, crushed coral looked a bit more expensive but I was also thinking about crushed shells mixin in with some live sand or something like that. I know my clwon fish would appreciate a change of scenery.
Guilio said:
crushed coral looked a bit more expensive
my lfs gives it away for free... lol i have over 50 lbs of it... (well not for long im giving to a friend, but yeah coarse sand is what i have.... basicly just larger grained sand :D
Just to add.. The benefits of using sand (coral sand) over gravel is the fact that it will buffer your water and help keep your PH stable.
Gravel wont do this.
I am currently running sand, but have used the fine crushed coral in the past.

I think sand looks better, and I have a good bristleworm population, but I think the crushed aragonite promoted podlife better.

Thanks everyone, I'm gonna stick with sand for this tank and I think i'll try out crushed coral (SP?) for the 20 gallon im converting. I think the live rock would look a little weird in plain gravel anyway. :D

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