Saltwater Fish


New Member
Oct 27, 2003
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Hi, please can somebody help me? I am going to set up a tank with a variety of different sea water fish including a starfish and a seahorse etc and i just wondered what sort of fish can mix with others as i aware that some fix will harm others. I would really appreciate any advice anyone has about this? Thankyou :D Rachel x
How big is the tank going to be? Have you researched the water chemistry and maintenance involved with the Marine(salfwater) setups? Lighting and all that? I'm sure a seahorse and a starfish would get along fine.. The starfish might try to hunt down that seahorse tho.. Keep him fed ;)
I know someone that is setting the tank up for me, they know exactly how to do it and all the water and everything i just havent spoken to him about the sort of fish yet but i am really keen to find out today. Do you have any idea what other sort of sea water fish can go in the same tank? Rachel xx thanks :p
Hi, please can somebody help me? I am going to set up a tank with a variety of different sea water fish including a starfish and a seahorse etc

Seahorses are best kept in a species tank. Boisterous fish can bother them and often they will decline due to the stress. Special requirements such as live food usually. Rotifers, pods, mysid etc. See

Do you have any idea what other sort of sea water fish can go in the same tank?

Tank size and filtration types needed. Can't really be specific until you provide more info. Certain fish need extremely high quality water conditions, other fish are territorial and need space, some types do not mix well (ie, angels w/ angels)...
Seahorses can rarely be kept with other fish.

If you're just setting up the tank, remember to cycle it before adding any fish.

Can you post some of the statistics on the tank (size, gallons, etc.)?
The tank is only about 4ft, so i know that you can have a very small/limited amount of fish in each and i didnt know until the other day that you can only have one tang per tank at 4ft and no angel fish, is this all true?? Is 4ft really too small to have those type of fish?
One tang for sure mostly because more will likely fight each other. You can have dwarf angels though. I have a Cherub/Atlantic Pygmy Angel and I love it. That's in addition to the fish in my signature.

Yes, this is still considered a fairly small tank.

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