Saltwater Fish Magzines


Fish Fanatic
Jul 6, 2004
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Im looking for magazine's and catalogs for saltwater tanks/fish/coral ect. Anyone know any good companies? I'm really looking for about anything realting to the hobby. Free mags are the best, but which is the best magazine to subscibe to?
In the UK we have a magazine called Marine World... there is also one called "Coral". I think that Marineworld is now on release in the USA also now
I really like tropical fish hobbiest, although it is both fresh and salt(pond too)
it's marine section is extensive every month with a salt q+a section,
a reef aquarist section, and numerous salt water articles--
a very good mag.

another good one is aquarium fish monthly. this one is mixed as well,
is smaller, but still has a lot of good marine info every month, including
articles from scott michael.
oh! goto and request their free catologue. thats what i did and their filters are on sale for a few more weeks. I mean a 983gph power head for only 34.99?!?! thats crazy!
In the UK, we have, practical fish keeping, todays fishkeeper, tropical fish, marine world and coral. Corals the newest and quite good as is marine world, both of which should be available in the states.

ste :)

P.S. Anyone know when issue 4 of coral will be available in the UK? last I heard was it was stuck in customs?
I have yet to see a copy of Coral Magazine... Down here we simply dont have enough interest for the shops to get it.. :sad: I have heard its excellant though

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