Saltwater Buy, Sell & Swap?

Should we have a SW Buy, Sell and Swap Section?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
I only ask as a lot of our equipment, frags, etc. is exclusive to saltwater and can easily get lost on the main buy, sell & swap section on the forum.
Would it be a good idea to have our own on here somewhere so that its a little bit more accessible and less likely to get flooded with freshwater stuff?

Obviously I vote yes :p bring up a good point. I think we are growing, perhaps slowly, but, we are. That is a good thought and I"ll watch this poll. I've thought about adding some other separate marine sections, such as a Marine DIY. I'll ask Navarre to chime in and if interest seems high, we can approach this with optimism. SH
I dought the forum would be active enough. :unsure: But it doesnt hurt to try I guess. I wouldnt have much to do with it. I would assume the most likely posters would be from the UK, with some from the US.
Sounds like a good idea to me. As mentioned, probably wouldnt see much activity, but nice to have
I think there may be a few issues but I am always in favor of anything that may help.

shipping rates would discourage anyone form buying
too small a section to be worth while (my local reef club is larger than our forum section)
We could sell faster on ebay, RC, or locally and then deal with old post dig ups.

Could always delete the section if it doesn't go anywhere so I say go for it and see if it draws any interest.
There are ways to beat shipping costs. Anyone hear of the thermos method? SH
I voted no :(

Its not that i amnot in favour of the idea in principle but the main points against have already been mentioned above. Although this is a very active forum, we are nowhere near large enough in numbers to keep such a forum sustained, (I would estimate abut 20 members that most regualr each nnight whilst the others occasionaly post or drop by). This is not simply a UK or US based forum. We are global and for this reason alone we could run into all sorts of problems trying to buy and sell things.

As for other sections... Im happy to discuss this with SH as i love to see this forum grow from strength to strength. However, let not forget that i have pushed for a nano section for well over 12 months (maybe not forcefully but i made it clear we needed it regular) And adding any new section to this are will need real planning and persuasive arguments to gain them.
Unfortunately I agree with no, there just isnt enough people on here
Ok, the majority see it as being in some way beneficial but that it would not see enough traffic to warrant and extra category of its own, which I agree with.

What about just having a Pinned Thread where we can post items and then just PM a mod to delete it or use the edit function to erase the post contents once it's finished? As all transactions would be done via PM between the two people involved there's no reason why there should be any other posts in the thread apart from ones with the item details?

As we are a small but happy band of salties I don't see it being an issue keeping to some basic rules regarding posting in the thread and the maintenace of it.


(I only ask as I have stuff I need to get rid of :p)

While i'm at it, I gets thinking when i'm sat alone on the sofa illuminated by the blue glow from the tanks, how come this is the only section that doesn't have 'Members tanks & Pics' area? I know that SH has created a pinned topic in the Nano area but my new tank is 40g with a 20g sump so there's nowhere for me or Nav, etc. to post our stuff :sad:

Can I intrude in the Nano one or do I have to sit here feeling discriminated against as I have a larger tank? :p
I voted yes, but imediately regretted the choice.

If you want to make the section less overwhelming then maybe it should be split into UK/Europe and US/North ameriac
Both myself and SH have discussed a simialr pinned topic for tank photos of larger marine aquariums. I always tend to posts photos of my tanks in the marine forum and the freshwater photos section (usually to entice a few over here :rolleyes: but i do agree that we would benefit from a pinned section for larger tanks. Both myself and SH are working on it.
I voted don't care from a personal standpoint due to a severe lack of southern Aussies on this forum and therefore making a section like that practically void for myself. From a forum point of veiw however, I think it's a great idea and would really help alot of you guys out (lucky buggers :lol: ). All in all I think it is :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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