
there is no need to add salt unless you are treating a disease.
The-Wolf said:
there is no need to add salt unless you are treating a disease.
agreed, unless you have brakish fish. and, well ya... i wont go on. salt = healing. anything else?
As wolf states:"there is no need to add salt unless you are treating a disease." is correct. Salt can be detrimental to the well being of some species of fish as they are not salt tolerant at all. It is best to avoid salt in water unless you know fish have come from brackish waters. ie those caught directly from the wild. Some so called brackish water fish, bred in captivity are just in plain water. Check with your lfs for this information.
Treating non salt tolerant fish for disease-use a good medication that does not contain salt. There is a lot of them on the market and the majority have no salt.
You will find that most LFS will add salt to all there tanks.
You do not( repeat do not) need to add alot of salt to a tank but it does seem to work on all fish. Every water change i do i add 4 teaspoons of salt and have had since the owner of a lfs that i know said they have been doing it for 15 years.
The salt is supposed to act as a pr-emtive stick against stress and disease and yes i have loaches and corys in my tank an they are as healthy as.

Ask a few lfs and breeders and long time fish keepers aquarium salt has always been used

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