

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
Just wondering.. Im contemplating getting a saltwater tank soon. Ive read you should have an undergravel filter though. All my current tanks hoave only bio wheels (they are freshwater). Is the optimum combo for a saltwater tank a biowheel and undergravel filter?Thanx 4 any advice :D
From my reading an undergravel is far from desired in a SW setup.

One of the most important elements in any SW setup is a protein skimmer.

AS for ideal? Most would point to Live Rock, Protein Skimmer and some form of live sand bed (many will probably point to miracle mud and fluidised sand as well) with a sump and refugium thrown in for looks.

I'd advise a lot of research before SW, I was going to set up my new 85gal as SW but the cost just put me off, however if you do go for it I know it will be very rewarding.


I think you'll get better answers in the Marine CC forum. I'll move it there.
yeah, an undergravel filter is definitely NOT recommended by anybody.
that was probably outdated material you read, because ugf's are outdated
in the marine hobby.(and never really worked well in the first place).
I agree, an undergravel is outdated and there are far more effective filtration systems. Live rock is probably the very best filter you can get for the tank. This can be supported with a protien skimmer, mineral mud or mangroves etc.

Good advice is to read the pinned articles but dont be afraid to ask questions here, if you dont understand anything in these articly new questions then by all means ask away. Im sure there will be someone here who can provide an answer for you

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