salt water sand to fresh water


New Member
Nov 28, 2021
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Have had a 120 gallon salt water fish only tank for 10 years . I am wanting a change so plan to move my fish left to a smaller tank and start a Cichlid tank . Can I rinse the sand and get the salt out and reuse it for the Cichlids ? Had a Cichlid tank and a salt water FO tank before but were lost in a fire years back .
If you want to keep African Rift Lake cichlids, then yes you can use beach sand (marine sand) for them. Just rinse well with fresh water to get rid of creatures and creepy crawlies from the sand.
“The beach is noticeably less pink than it used to be due to humans snagging a little souvenir. While this may sound excessive and possibly even amusing, taking sand is illegal from beaches all over the world.”
I don't think Colin means actual sand taken from beach. I think he means aragonite sand which is normally used in marine tanks. Technically still sand taken from a beach but it is sold commercially and legally. Its useful for things like African Cichlids that need a high PH because of its natural buffering capacity.

Back to the original question. It should be fine. Make sure that it is very well rinsed and be prepared for it to create an ammonia spike when you first set it up as the saltwater microorganisms and any critters not removed with rinsing die off. As far as I know all parasites and other potential pathogens can't adapt from freshwater to saltwater and vice versa so you don;t have to worry about transferring anything nasty.
Thanks all . It will probably be South American Cichlids . In our old house I had my Cichlids in the 120 and Salt Water in a 90 . But after we rebuilt I started a using the 120 for salt . The 90 was ruined , it had the salt water . I always missed the Cichlids . Some had years and were BIG and like some fish had real personality . My kids and could hand feed them .

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