Fish Gatherer
I'm planning a fairly large paludarium tank. The tank I use will probably be about 80 gallons if I get my way, but it will only be about 1/3 to half full. I'd like to go slightly brackish with it, probably 1-2 tsp of salt per gallon. Are there any plecs that will comfortably live full time with this much salt? Anything very large is out because there probably won't be a bigger tank anywhere in the forseeable future, and anything very rare or expensive is out because I don't have the room to breed it - I'm currently breeding livebearers and bettas and planning on breeding kribensis and I just don't have the space to have growout tanks for more fry. I'd particularly like bristlenose because I have tracked down somebody selling albinos and marbles as small juveniles for extremely small amounts of money. I don't think she has worked out that they are valuable, but I can seriously swap a few bags of livebearer fry - and it's not exactly difficult to get livebearer fry! - for a bag full of rare BN fry.
I can also get clown plecs (might be too expensive), L333 (ditto) gibbies and common plecs (too big) and various other bristlenose that are different species (orange spot and peppermint.) I could possibly get the clown plec cheapish because the guy who breeds them is after plants on wood which I'm currently flogging and making a fortune on. I could swap him a month's work, which would retail for over $300, for a clown plec. I don't know why nobody has apparently worked out how much money you can make by propagating anubias (and bolbitus and vari lime rush and java fern etc), tying them onto bits of wood and rock and waiting.
Anyway, thanks
I can also get clown plecs (might be too expensive), L333 (ditto) gibbies and common plecs (too big) and various other bristlenose that are different species (orange spot and peppermint.) I could possibly get the clown plec cheapish because the guy who breeds them is after plants on wood which I'm currently flogging and making a fortune on. I could swap him a month's work, which would retail for over $300, for a clown plec. I don't know why nobody has apparently worked out how much money you can make by propagating anubias (and bolbitus and vari lime rush and java fern etc), tying them onto bits of wood and rock and waiting.
Anyway, thanks