Salt Mix


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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I know this is probably a really stupid question, but I'm a newb and really don't know any better.

I have live rock arriving at my home tomorrow. Do i need to have the salt water ready today or can I mix it tomorrow morning.

Once again, I apologize if this is an ultra stupid question.
As long as the saltwater is mixed and correct before you put the live rock in it will be fine. Don't leve the live rock lying around as that wil only increase the die-off on it.
I'd make sure you have enough to completely cover the live rock for when it arrives, the less time it spends out of the water the better and the less things you have to do at once the better.
This time you will be ok, but it might pay to remember that salt water shgould be premixed atleast 2 days before adding it to your tank in a water change. It should be well aerated, with either an airstone, or a power head, and brought up to the same temperature as your display tank. :thumbs:

Newly mixed saltwater has corrosive properties, and may harm your tank inhabitants if added immediatly. Not to mention the salt crystals would not have had time to dissolve.

Bringing the temperature up to the same level as your display is just to avoid shock to your corals/fish! :)

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