Fish Fanatic
I was wondering
do you put the same amount of salt in that you did at first every time you change water. It's a freshwater tank, but I have salt for the mollie/ platies (1 tbsp. in a 10 gal tank) I assume it might be less since there's already extra in the water. Also, my bubbler has a constant very thin layer of big bubbles on the top of the water. Is that normal?
how do you feed fish other things besides flake food like peas and stuff I read about? Should you break them up??
How many days should you not feed your fish before you go for a couple days, that is since my aquarium hasn't cycled all the way through yet and I haven't got an ammonia spike as of yet

I changed the water yesterday w/distilled water is that ok to use?
Also, the bubble layer is now gone. 

How many days should you not feed your fish before you go for a couple days, that is since my aquarium hasn't cycled all the way through yet and I haven't got an ammonia spike as of yet

I changed the water yesterday w/distilled water is that ok to use?