Salt in water changes


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
I was wondering :rolleyes: do you put the same amount of salt in that you did at first every time you change water. It's a freshwater tank, but I have salt for the mollie/ platies (1 tbsp. in a 10 gal tank) I assume it might be less since there's already extra in the water. Also, my bubbler has a constant very thin layer of big bubbles on the top of the water. Is that normal?
And... :no: how do you feed fish other things besides flake food like peas and stuff I read about? Should you break them up?? -_-
How many days should you not feed your fish before you go for a couple days, that is since my aquarium hasn't cycled all the way through yet and I haven't got an ammonia spike as of yet :(


I changed the water yesterday w/distilled water is that ok to use? -_- Also, the bubble layer is now gone. :nod:
Hi Christine. :)

was wondering do you put the same amount of salt in that you did at first every time you change water.

No, just put the amount of salt in for the amount of water you took out.

Also, my bubbler has a constant very thin layer of big bubbles on the top of the water. Is that normal?

Might be high in excess nutrients.

And... how do you feed fish other things besides flake food like peas and stuff I read about? Should you break them up??

Boil them and then pop the skin off. If they are too big for the fish to eat whole, then it's best to break them up. Otherwise you can feed them whole if they can eat them whole.

How many days should you not feed your fish before you go for a couple days, that is since my aquarium hasn't cycled all the way through yet and I haven't got an ammonia spike as of yet

I wouldn't feed the day before and the day you leave if you're going to be gone for 2 days. Also, do a water change the day you leave.

Not sure if that's the best thing to do in an uncycled tank, and hopefully others can help and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I would do. I don't cycle with fish so wait for others to respond incase I'm wrong.
Is this a saltwater/marine tank or a fresh water tank? If its freshwater then why are you adding salt at all?

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