salt in betta tank

why put salt into a betta tank?...IMHO they really dont need it they arent brakish water fish like mollies. MM
On my box of aquarium salt (Doc Wellfish's Aquarium Salt for freshwater fish), it says add one rounded teaspoon per 5 gallons. It says it reduces stress and adds eletrolytes.
Salt can also cause your betta to go into kidney failure. reduce just seems to me that adding salt to a fresh water fish not used to salt would cause more stress. MM
Merlins_momma said:
Salt can also cause your betta to go into kidney failure. reduce just seems to me that adding salt to a fresh water fish not used to salt would cause more stress. MM
I'm not professing to be an expert, but everything I have ever read about bettas, including repeatedly on this forum, has said that a bit of aquarium salt is beneficial to bettas. Where have you read about it causing kidney failure? The salt I have says it is for freshwater fish... I really don't think it is harmful (used in moderation of course), I've used it with all my bettas in the past.
:) I add salt - approximately 3/4 of a teaspoon - at each water change. I have 9 2 1/2 gallon mini bows. I had a case of the ick several months ago so I just upped the salt, and the temperature along with AquaSol (?) and the ick was gone in a matter of just a few days.
When you add salt to H20, you get dissolved NA+ and Cl- ions in your water. This adds electrolytes that aid in the oxegen osmosis for most aquarium fish. Adding a little bit of salt also helps fight bacteria that are sensitive to even a little bit of salinity (like Ich). It may sound weird but it does work. I been using salt for a long time and it only yeilded favorable results.

Note: dont add Iodized salt!!!!
I put salt in. I'm a bit paranoid, I don't want him to die..... LOL. But its mainly preventative, I'd rather spend £1.99 on some salt then £3.99 on meds...
This is from tropical aquarium mag and a IBC members insite on salt.
Here’s what I read.

There are almost as may opinions about salt in fresh water tanks as there are experts.

Salt will encourage slime coat on damaged or diseased tissue but it’s an irritation response. If the fish is healthy and already has a slime coat then why add salt?

Salt will not reduce the buildup of nitrates, but will reduce nitrite uptake.

Salt inhibits fresh water parasites so Ich and Velvet incidence may be reduced. If you maintain healthy water conditions these should not be a problem though.

A tonic level of salt by the experts is anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per gallon of water(quite a range).

My thoughts as a result of the above.

Fish body fluids are at about 0.9% or 9 ppt (parts per thousand) and fresh water can have up to 0.05% or 0.5 ppt. Adding salt at 1 teaspoon per gallon would add about 2.4 ppt

while 1 Tablespoon per gallon would add over 7 ppt. Fish clear wastes from their system by taking in water through osmosis and expelling them as urine (approximately 1/3 body weight per day) and the addition of salt will make the fish less hypertonic thereby reducing the rate of exchange. I guess personally I would opt to not use the salt and keep the flushing action maximized because they do not drink water, and keep the water clean to help reduce stress and minimize disease potential.

I think I’m going to research this some more

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