salt for the tank...

[jdm dc2]

New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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people are telling me that i do need to buy my salt from a LFS ... it would be much cheaper if i went to my locl supermarket and just bought "Rock salt".... is this true?.. or are they two different things?
The first way of determining what kind to get is determining why you are using it. Except for brackish and marine tanks there is never a 'need' for salt in an aquarium, and except to achieve a specific purpose (healing sick fish) I don't advise the use of it in freshwater aquaria. For most medical purposes any standard, non-iodoized salt will work, including rock salt.
Un-iodized salt doesn't cost too much. I think that should suffice...

What are you treating your tanks for, if at all? Do you have "naked catfish" such as cories?

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