Salt for Swordies


Fish Crazy
Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Connah's Quay, North Wales
Hi everyone,

I was at the LFS the other day and mentioned that I keep Swortails with Danios and stuff like that (See sig for list of fish).

The guy said that this was a bad idea because Swordtails need salt. I had never heard this before and the Swordtails are breeding like crazy, which I thought meant that they were doing good.

So my question is, do Swordtails really NEED salt?
My opinion is that swordies do not need salt. We have no salt in our tanks & our swordies appear to be happy, healthy & breed readily. This is only an opinion, I am no expert. At one shop I frequent the owner tells me he has no salt in his swordtail tanks. We also have danios with the swordies.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Like I said its only my opinion. I have read several posts about salt in freshwater tanks, a lot of people say that you need salt for mollies but my son has kept them for a long while without. I say " if it aint broke - dont fix it ". After all they were bought from a retailer whose tanks were salt free.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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