Salt For Freshwater Diseases


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2005
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Great Britain, England
I've heard of people adding some salt in their tanks when a fish has a disease, One of my fish looks like its got cloudy eye, lost its colour & looks like its gone blind from the way its bumping into things. Only treatment I have is Anti fungus & fin rot which I have put in. Should I add some Marine salt, if so how much??
Cloudy eye has many causes, plus it's a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's self.
Don't know why you added the med doing more harm than good.
Water are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Cloudy eye can mean parasites as well like whitespot,and velvet, is the fish flicking and rubbing against objects, any laboured breathing.
Also cloudy eye can be old age, and bad diet, and stress.

Don't add the marine salt.
Marine aquarium salt. This is for Marine aquariums only, as it will affect water quality if used in a fresh water aquarium esp re pH, and ion profile.
Aquarium salt or pickling salt is good to use but if you have a disease, it's best to use a medicine to treat it. Maracyn and Maracyn II are both good treatments IME.

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