Salt Content for Clownfish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
My first salt water tank just finished cycleing. The salt content was at 1.024 and i bought a clownfish. Its been two days and he still doesnt move much so i went back to the pet store and tested there salt content. It was 1.019 so i came home and lowered my salt content. Not that far (because liveaquaria says Clown fish are 1.020 - 1.025) Im using The original SeaTest Specific Gravity meter to test the water and it says its somewhere between 1.021 and 1.022. What should it be because it has now been there for over a day and he is still not moving much.
firstly, can you give us as much info as possable such as tank size parameters filtration lighting etc etc etc. I would aim for an S.G. of aroung 1.025 but it can vary. (not fluctuate)

ste :)
I keep my salt levels at about 1.022, and both of my clownfish are doing fine. . .

It is probably from something else. They may also just need some time to adjust to the new system. :fish:

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