Salt baths for sick guppies


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
I have two sick male guppies that i have transferred from my main tank to a quantine tank, have been under treatment 1 male has clamped fins & very poorly but the other 1 has red spots on his tail which i have treated him for using melafix & bacteria control by King British but he's getting worse.

Would a salt bath do them the world of good? how much salt do i use? how long do i leave them in it?
Do you have any salt in your main tank? If you have just livebearers it may well be an idea but if you have tetras or cories or some other fish then don't as they get burnt by the salt!
I have salt in the main tank that they come out of and gone into another tank with salt in. I thought my guppy was getting better but he got pretty bad now.
leave him in it for a hour or so see if that helps you any I am sorry that your fish are having trouble mabey the salt dip will help.
i have treated him for using melafix & bacteria control by King British but he's getting worse.

Did you use both of the meds together? I'm wondering because I just read posting by Playfulalliecat that mentioned combining meds can be harmful to the fish.

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