Salmon Tailed Catfish Any Info? Any One?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
iv just been given a salmon tailed catfish and i was wondering if anyone cauld tell me any info on these cats? i was told they get to about 25, 30cm and eat meat, is this correct? but thats all i know. any help would be much apreciated.
thanx in advance, ally.
Most likely Arius graeffei, as said grows to about a foot and is a predator of smaller fish and other aquatic animals.
yea thats it im sure i know they should be kept in a group, but will she be ok by her self as i only have the room for one. or if i was to upgrade the tank would i be able to put my pictus and rapheal with him?
Planet catfish have them listed as reaching 50 centimeters but in my experience Arius species rarely reach their wild sizes in captivity so i would imagine 30cm to be a good size.
Ariids are schooling fish and generally do not do well kept singly. They need friends! Keep at least three. Arius graeffei is essentially similar to the Colombian shark catfish Hexanematichthys seemanni, except of course it doesn't need brackish water. Ariids are gentle animals, and don't mix well with territorial and aggressive fishes. I'd suggest large, placid cichlids, big cyprinids and characins, clown loaches, etc. Lots of swimming space is essential, and strong water current highly recommended.

Cheers, Neale
thanx very munch for the info! atm i dont have the room to get her a friend, and he seems quit happy on her own, but hopefully in the near futrure i can introduce a second and mayb third. atm she playing with her reflection in the mirror behind her tank, probably thinks its another fish. she is quit active, doesnt look to be salking or lonely at all.
do the salmon tail need to be fed every day? i sualy feed my fish a small amount in the morning and again at night. i fed the salmon tail the first night he was home n she very much enjoyed the meal, then fed her the next morning and she didnt want to eat. but then ate all her diiner that nihgt. is this normal?
ok so i put the bublebee catfish in with my salmon tail, as no one had answered my question, both catfish about the same time n i moniterd them all arvo and they both seemed fine. got up this morning and my salmon tail had nips missing from her fins poor little thing so both catfish are back on their own again. will my salmon tails fins grow back? the nips arnt bad.

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