Salmon catfish


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
as you may know in a display at work we had a red tailed cat which was recently sold to a nice big tank.

we now have a salmon catfish in the tank and wondering if there's anything special about it, at the moment i see it as 1 big ugly fish!!

i'll try and connect my phone to the pc later and get a picture up.
Scientific Name- Arius graeffei

Common Name- Australian Shark Catfish, Blue Catfish, Lesser Salmon Catfish

Notes on ID -Similar to A. berneyi, but eye is smaller and dorsal fin slightly shorter. Outer palatal teeth patches larger than inner patches (equal in A. berneyi). Dusky gray overall (often with bluish tinge) and white underneath.

lol i went on there shortly after i posted anf found that!!

doesn't say particularlly that much though!!
Another point is that like almost all species in the Arius genus salmon catfish (Arius graefei)need to be moved into brackish/marine water when adult or their long term health will suffer. They can survive for many years in freshwater but at some point in their lives something changes inside them and they must be moved to salt water, this will be seen as a loss of appetite, lethargy and a downturn in the general health in the fish until eventually it dies.
Salmontail Catfish are awesome because they are 1 of the few fish that retain their shark like appearance. Just so your aware they grow to around the 90cm or 3ft mark, however the variation in the Northern Territory only get to around 60cm or 2 ft. They are quite common here in Queensland Australia in both rivers and dams. They can tolerate both fresh and saltwater generally living in fresh water all their lives and crossing into the brackish/saltwater zones to spawn.
i'll have to check on the scientiffic name for it and get back to this on that....

i'll bring up adding salt with me bosses would be kind of sad as at the moment it's in with a few large plecs and a giant gouramai.

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