Sale 2 Synodotis Velifer


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
Livestock: synodotis velifer
Quantity for sale: 2 one is 2" the other is 2 1/2"
Reason for Sale: i want some more upside down catfish but dont have the room for them with these in the tank.
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: make me an offer
Postage & Packaging: no
Location: thetford, norfolk

how do you post them would i just take them down to the post office or what would i have to do? and how much would you want to pay for them?
when i post fish i just bag them up, with just enough water and as much air as possible, pack them in a box with a heat pack and insulation like news paper, bubble wrap or polystyrene, mark box clearly saying fragile, fish fry!, it costs around £6.20
how much would you be looking for them?
just wait and see if anybody else wants them who can collect and if not i can be a last resort! lol

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