They have evolved to bend their neck so they can dig holes in the mud floor and bury themselves during the summer. They aestivate during the dry season (late spring and summer) and reappear when it rains in autumn. To aestivate they have a bony ridge on their head and they use it to dig a hole down around 18-24 inches below the floor of the pool.
At the bottom of the hole they secrete a mucous cocoon around themselves and go to sleep.
If the fish have gained enough weight during winter and spring before they aestivate, they will survive the summer and reappear in autumn when it rains. However, if they haven't gained enough weight, they die during aestivation.
Due to climate change reducing the rainfall in autumn, winter and spring, the fish have less time in pools to grow and gain weight and spend more time aestivating. The same thing with warmer weather, the water warms up faster and evaporates sooner, and this causes them to aestivate sooner, and most of the fish will not survive the dry season. When climate change is bad (in a few years time), none of the fish will survive aestivation and they will become extinct like the dinosaurs. And these fish have been around since the dinosaurs so that is a terrible loss caused by stupid people ruining the planet.