Just wanted peoples opinions on whether a Sailfin and a Royal Plec would be compatible in a 125 gal which will also include an Oscar, a Green Terror and 3 Bala's. The tank is currently cycling and includes lots of Bogwood/Mopani wood, several rocks and some good hiding places.
Thanks in advance
Hmm, I think it would depend on the size of the catfish, and if they have there own territory.
I have a Royal (1 foot big) which lives with a 15inches Common and they get along good, dont get me wrong the common knows its place & who is boss, but I have no trouble with them living toghether.
I also have in the same tank, two green terrors and 3 oscars, which I made the fatal mistake of adding in, My Royal & Common hide all the time now, which before the oscars & terrors came along they didnt hide.
I have since made the decision to sell my oscars and green terrors, and add more peacfull fish.
Not sure about the Balas and the oscars green terror though, I would have thought the bala was a more peacefull fish and perhaps will get attacked from the oscar or green terror.
One more thing on the catfish's size, is that my oscars pick on my common, so they need to be a large size if they are to survive, survival of the fittest.
I hope that was of some help,