Sailfin Pleco??

I've had them get between 8-10 inches long (in a 10 gallon tank!) Makes me wonder if they're the type that won't grow bigger than their enviornment will allow.
They also live for years!
I have two in my 55 gallon but watch out they grow fast. Mine were only an inch about a month ago. Now they are atleast 4inches long. Lucky I got the tank to house them in right now.
Magnolia_360 said:
How big do sailfin plecos get? :blink: I kinda wanna get one.
Yes, they get huge!!!!!!!! I have had my 55 gallon up for a long time and our first sailfin was half as long as the tank!
Plecos can reach 24 inches but in captivity they are more likely to reach 18 inches and if they are kept in a 10g they will only reach 8-10 inches but this is not because they are growing to their enviroment it is because they are becoming deformed and their growth is stunted. Most fish in these conditions die early because their internal organs grow to quick for the stunted growth of the body.

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