Sailfin Plec


Mostly New Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Bought this little fella when he was little over an inch long, probably around 4 months ago. Roughly measured him today and he is around 3 inches! I feel like a proud parent!
Since I bought the 100L aquarium and got him out the little 30L one, he's really come out of his shell! Flying round all over the place!
Anyway, after trying unsuccessfully for months to get a decent picture of him with his fins flared, I finally got one tonight while he was distracted by cucumber and pellets! If he hasn't been hiding in his log he's been sat miserable in the corner.
I've decided to upload a pic of him since its actually took so long to get a photo of the little bugger! :D
So here it is!
That's a brilliant picture and I have to say, he's a very handsome boy!
They're so cute at that size!
I'll have to get a pic of mine; probably when I move him into his new home :)
I wish I had your camera ;-; gorgeous fellow though! :wub:
He looks great!
Sailfins tend to grow to about 18inches though so you may want to look into getting him an even bigger tank in the future (4ft minimum)
It's only my iPhone that took the photo! Just had the perfect opportunity :p

Ah I know about his growth. Thankfully it will take a while. I should be moved out by then and I can get myself a real tank! :)

Sounds like a good plan fluttermoth! You'll have to post it on this thread or give me a shout, I'd love to see other people's Pleco's, I love them!
I get so darned sick of seeing common and sailfin plecs that I sometimes forget what beautiful fish  they can be!! :)
He's a stunner!
Sorry, dumb question -- Do all sail fins look like that is that just one of the varieties?
Blondielovesfish said:
He's a stunner!
Sorry, dumb question -- Do all sail fins look like that is that just one of the varieties?
They all look like that when they're tiny; they get less colourful and their markings get less defined as they get older.

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