Sailfin Plec


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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I tried looking up information on plecs, I couldn't find any.

I just bought one yesterday. The first day he was sucking on the glass and looked fine.
Today hes kinda just layig on the floor, and one his eyes looks white, like a white film.
He'll swim around and lightly then land somewhere, but he doesnt seem to be sucking on anything.
Now hes easly floating upside down =0.
But he keeps moving sometimes.

I have a 10 gal

78 deg F

2 guppies
2 mollies
2 african dwarf frogs
1 yo yo (going to return that soon)
1 plec
What are your water stats?
A Sailfin Pleco will get far too big for your tank. How big is he at the moment?
I dont know my water stats. All I know is the amonia is fine.
I do know that he will get to big for my tank. The lady at the store said that once he gets too big for my tank (about 6months to a year) that i can give him back and get another small one.
Right now hes 1 1/2 inc long
You really need to check your water to make sure everything is ok.
Plecos can produce a lot of waste and unless you have really good filtration this can cause a problem.
I really haven't got much idea on whats wrong with him. The only time my Plecos have behaved differently is when there has been a problem with my water. :/
Well since I just got him yesterday, I doubt it has to do with his waste.
I need to get more water testers.
I think he was sick when I bought him because hes eye is infected or something. I think Im going to take him out of the tank, I dont want him infecting the other ones.
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it self.
Same as stang1 has said until we know water stats it going to be hard to pin point it.
Does the plec lay to oneside, also is the plec bloated or thin looking.
iam not sure whats wrong with him......but plecs only dart from 1 point to another then can rest there on floor for hours ...once he gets used to surroundings he my go about his day routing through the gravel n cleaning glass<they are nocturnal fish becoming active after lights out....iam sorry but tanks way to small they grow quick n reach around 15inchs or so....try going for a bristlenose plec they stay r small :good:
Yes there was a time it was on its side, but it changes hes position. He doesnt seem too skinny or bloated.
What do they eat besides the alegea?
When they lay to oneside you do have a problem, but untill we know stats we are fumbling around in the dark.
Research fish before you buy them.
For now see if a small water change helps.

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