Sailfin Plec


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
does anyone keep one?im thinking bout gettin one so some info would be good diet and behaviour and so on
As far as diet goes, sailfins tend to have a more veg-orientated diet when they are young and then move onto more high protein foods as they mature, but when it comes down to it a good mix of high protein foods and veg based foods is always good for incouraging good growth and health :) ;

Be warned though, sailfins can grow very large and poop alot so not only is a long tank required but also some heavy filtration as well :) .
That's true, the pooping thing. In another conversation on here we discovered the long poop strings even have a funny name, we call them "plecorations" cos they will soon be adorning every plant in your tank if you don't vac every day!

Oh and forget the plants in the tank too....big plecs route them out and dig them up for no apparent reason. Sometimes my big two do it just wandering past them, but other times they go out of their way to dig them out. They are odd creatures. They seem to do it to amuse themselves.

Sailfins are way cool though, I have one (maybe 2, waiting for it to grow up a bit) and the big one floats upside down eating on the surface, he also stands upright on the end of his tail when he has managed to catch a tubifex cube, so he can eat it without losing it.
thx for all the info :) they have some at my lfs they are about 3" and very cute. i was gonna grow him in my 3ft tank with my baby bichir then move him to my 6x2x2 :) im gonna get him today if they have one left

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