Sailfin Plec Rip


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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This afternoon I found my 2 year old sailfin plec lying dead at the bottom of my tank. I can't understand what happened to him. Was swimming around last night and then when I came home from work I found him. Water sats all ok bar pH which had dropped from 6.5 to 6. Feeding community with flakes, fresh bloodworm, dried bloodworm, peas, algae tablets.
What have I done wrong? Any ideas what might have happened. :rip:
Oh that's aweful :/
How big was he ? Perhaps too large for a 47.5US ?
Do you know what you nitrite, ammonia and nitrate readings were ?
It won't have been because he was in an unsuitable tank if he was only 6.5", but what kind of filtration do you have? I'm so sorry you lost him :(
It won't have been because he was in an unsuitable tank if he was only 6.5", but what kind of filtration do you have? I'm so sorry you lost him :(
I have a Rio180 tank with its built in filtration
Juwel filters are useless. In fact they're worse than useless, I know from experience). I'm not saying it's the cause of the problem though. It might be worth investing in a decent external, and just rip out the Juwel one (carefully!). I'm not sure if they have the same filter as my old Juwel one - is it in the back corner or in the lid?

Sorry about your plec :(
I'm not sure if they have the same filter as my old Juwel one - is it in the back corner or in the lid?

Its in the back corner along side the heater. May have to look into another filter. before I bought the set-up I got some good feedback on it here. oh well!
About the Juwel filters- they are not rubbish, but they are designed for lightly stocked tanks, fine with heavily planted in particular (as long as you upgrade the light). It's horses for courses. I have always been very happy with mine- but then I keep small community fish, not great waste producers. If you do keep heavy waste producers, like plecs, you can always add an external on top of what you have- don't see why you should need to rip out the old one.
However, it should be easy to tell whether the filter was the problem or not- what were your tanks stats? If those were fine, there must be some other problem.

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