Sailfin Plec contiplating suicide


Fish Fanatic
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle, USA
So I come into my fishroom a couple of days ago and find one of my Sailfins stuck in a rock formation. Somehow he got himself in there so he wes bent backwards (Head to tail). So I reach in and lift off the top rock and he swims away. Today I come in and the same plec is caught between one of the plastic plants and the glass. I looked at him and was thinking how did he do that. You would think he could get out pretty easy. But nope, he's just wiggling around and trying real hard but no go. So, I reach in with the net and nudge the plant away from the glass. Tonight I come in and he is stuck under my airstone. I know what u are thinking...How in the world does a fish get stuck under an airstone?I have no idea how he is doing it but I had to lift the airstone up so he could get out.

I have no idea if he's just bored or stupid. Or maybe...he can't take it anymore.

BTW...I checked my water just to make sure and all of numbers are good.
Fish are incredibly weird. My female betta, when she was in an older community tank I no longer have, used to get a royal kick out of the weirdest thing.
She'd jump out of the water on top of the internal filter during water changes [It was only a 25% change, so I didn't take anyone out], lay there for a bit, and then jump back in the water. She did it every single time.
Chances are your pleco is just trying to amuse himself.
I have noticed that when fish are not at their best, they can get stuck in odd places - they just dont have the strength to get out. So please check if the plec is alright. Hopefully, it is fine and just fooling around.
maybe he hasnt got any hiding places big enough???
You've got 2 in a 20G? far as I'm aware a sailfin gets up to 18", which might mean you're stunning them and him not feeling well because of that. It is also possible he's getting nipped by your puffers and trying to get away from them, puffers really should have a species only tank.

Also, is your water ok? If some things are off, this could also be causing him to act weird.

Another thing is could be, some plecs when reaching a certain size try and shape everything in the tank the way they want it. Perhaps this is why he keeps jamming himself into things (in an attempt to move them)

I just read you're cycling a tank for puffers, I'm guessing this is for the greenspotted puffers, so you can ignore my comment about them needing a species only tank :)
I've just read this thread and erised is one hundred percent right..........

I used to have a tiny tank with a common pleco years back, before i knew better, he was constantly attacked by an overly aggressive male betta who would chase it until he rammed into the somesuitable piece of scenery and get stuck, go figure.

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